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Donate $5 to buy 100 sq/ft of rainforest to reduce our impact

Every five dollars will purchase 100 sq/ft of rainforest.

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We are working in partnership with
Mothers of the Amazon and The Huni Kuin Federation
to protect the Amazon rainforest and
the health of its indigenous communities
for future generations.

$5 = 1 cup of coffee = 100 sq/ft of rainforest

Earthwin game attributes

Buy-back the Amazon

Preserve Earth's biodiversity.

Protect the heart and lungs of our planet.




$5 = approx. 500 sq/ft of land protected

The estimated carbon footprint, per capita, in the U.S. is 16.6 metric tons per person, per year.

$270.00 or $22.50 / month will offset the average person's lifetime carbon footprint.

Earthwin supports Mother of the Amazon
working directly with Indigenous leaders
to buy and protect the Amazon rainforest
and the health of its communities...
In perpetuity for future generations.


Earthwin supports Mother of the Amazon
working directly with Indigenous leaders
to buy and protect the Amazon rainforest
and the health of its communities...
In perpetuity for future generations.


The Amazon is crucial for preserving biodiversity, Indigenous cultures, water resources, and the global climate
  • The Amazon represents over 60% of the Earth's remaining rainforests 

  • The Amazon is home to 82% of the world's biodiversity and plays a vital role in maintaining the Earth's ecological balance.

  • The Amazon also provides 25% of our fresh waters, 10% of our oxygen and affects rain patterns around the world. 

  • It sequesters a significant amount of carbon dioxide, mitigating the impacts of climate change.

  • Its biodiversity, carbon storage, climate regulation, and indigenous communities make it a global treasure.

  • Rainforests are our most powerful ally in mitigating climate change. Rainforest defense is climate defense.

According to NOAA, The Amazon is Nearing a Tipping Point
  • 150+ acres are lost every minute. Let that sink in for one minute…

  • It is estimated that 150 species go extinct daily in the Amazon

  • Deforestation due to human encroachment and the slash and burn development poses a severe threat

  • An estimated 20%-22% of the rainforest has been deforested bringing it dangerously close to its tipping point

  • According to NOAA, new results from a nine-year research project find that upon reaching just 3%–5% more deforestation, it will undergo a desertification process that will flip it into a non-forest degraded savannah

  • Tuning it from a carbon storage into a carbon production, farthing our climate mitigation problems.

Indigenous Peoples and Culture as Guardians of the Rainforest
  • Indigenous communities have proven to be the best stewards of our biodiversity, safeguarding 82% of global biodiversity with just 5% of the population.

  • Empowering their voices and preserving their cultural heritage unlocks invaluable traditional knowledge and sustainable solutions.

  • By supporting Indigenous communities, we tap into their conservation insights and protect their rights and well-being.


Our strategy is 
impactful and urgent

  • Earthwin is working with Mothers of the Amazon, a global network of forest advocates working directly with Indigenous leaders 
  • Buying land adjacent to Indigenous territories, enabling them to own, preserve, and protect the Amazon rainforest
  • Providing funding and legal support, empowering Indigenous communities to become frontline defenders against deforestation. 
  • Collaborating with Indigenous communities fosters sustainable development practices aligned with conservation and cultural preservation.
  • Investing in the Amazon ensures the preservation of biodiversity, mitigates climate change, and creates economic opportunities in harmony with nature.

Mothers of the Amazon is a global network of forest advocates

The health of our planet and the future of our children relies intrinsically on the protection of the Amazon rainforest and those who protect it.

Mothers of the Amazon is a global network of multi-disciplinary forest advocates protecting the Amazon Rainforest and the health of its communities through restorative and regenerative community projects that empower and support indigenous communities in the Amazon.

Earthwin supports Mothers of the Amazon working directly with Indigenous leaders and a global network of; foundations, sustainability strategists, architects, agro-forestry agents, environmental engineers, health scientists, doctors, water treatment specialists, lawyers, permaculture specialists, educators, writers and filmmakers. Focusing on critical initiatives that improve indigenous health, protect and restore land, and preserve indigenous culture to co-create sustainable, zero waste to low impact solutions that respond to the specific needs, challenges, and diseases indigenous communities are facing. 

The mission of Mothers of the Amazon is to protect the Amazon Rainforest and the health of its indigenous communities for future generations.

Mothers in the Amazon are at the frontlines of the defense of the largest rainforest in the world, raising the next generation of forest guardians that will ensure the protection of the Amazon for future generations.

OUR OBJECTIVE is to create a strategic land buyback fund to protect, preserve and expand indigenous territories by over 25% (1000 square miles) to sequester over 70,000,000 tons of CO2.

Our action aims at mitigating climate change, preserving biodiversity, anticipating and mitigating future Indigenous population growth, and reducing the future footprint of an exponentially modernizing and growing indigenous population. One of the main issues indigenous communities will be facing in the coming decades is population overgrowth, with an increase of 500% in the state of Acre in the last 40 years. Our project will support different indigenous peoples to purchase and secure land by providing funding and legal support. 

Since the beginning of our project over 150,000 hectares we had identified have been sold to the extractive market. There is a growing interest in purchasing land in the Amazon for the development of commercial agro-ecology projects by impact investors and the Amazon is being sold to the extractive market to the highest bidder. Additionally, the anticipated growing carbon offset market is driving an eco-gold rush and land grab in the Amazon.

Indigenous peoples have proven over time to be the best forest stewards of the rainforest. Today, indigenous communities represent 5% of the world’s population while protecting 82% of the world’s biodiversity.

Working with Indigenous communities to buy land surrounding their existing territories empowers them to preserve and protect forested territories from illegal logging. They are empowered to report and halt deforestation and can influence the decisions affecting their lives, culture and their forest home. It is vital for the future of our children and future generations to support and ensure the protection of the Amazon rainforest and safety of Indigenous communities who are at the forefront of rainforest defense.

We work directly with the indigenous on community development, focusing on critical initiatives that improve indigenous health, protect and restore the Amazon Rainforest, and preserve indigenous culture for future generations. These indigenous-led initiatives respond to the specific needs, challenges, and diseases these communities are facing. We help co-create sustainable, zero waste to low impact, and low tech solutions. Our restorative and regenerative projects involve providing access to clean water and sanitation in remote regions, land buyback, agroforestry, waste management, and cultural preservation.


Events have the power to inspire and change people's lives
  • Mobilizing large numbers of people for an enjoyable experience creates opportunities for meaningful impacts on their lives, and our planet.
  • It is more important than ever for event managers and attendees to appreciate the diverse impacts that events can have on the environment, and consider how to stage more sustainable events.
Why venues and event managers should stage more sustainable events
  • Environmental impact is increasingly important to both participants and event sponsors.

  • Sustainability is a pillar of corporate environmental and social responsibility and represents sound strategic management by increasing their ESG score.

The environmental impact of events
  • All events have a substantial environmental impacts, from massive waste streams, to carbon emissions and resource consumption.

  • People are now realizing what impact tens of thousands of people gathering can make.

  • Larger or more frequent events result in greater impact and potential positive impact.

The importance of Carbon Offsetting
  • Carbon offsetting has become the single most important first step.

  • Buying the Amazon Rainforest to protect Earth’s biodiversity and carbon capture is our most effective first action.

  • Indigenous communities are the original stewards and guardians of our forests. Preserving their rich cultures, medicines and wisdom is essential to our well being and diversity.
  • Create memorable experiences, invest in our planet’s future and make a positive impact, while minimizing your ecological footprint.

  • Earthwin provides an elegant and powerful bridge to help create a world we can all thrive in.

  • Earthwin ensures transparency, accountability, and tangible impact through land acquisition and protection.

  • Together, we can safeguard the Amazon for future generations, empower Indigenous culture, and secure a sustainable future for all.



Earthwin’s mission is to educate
and expand awareness of mindful living
for global well-being.